Here to Serve Our Community


Oxfordshire, UK

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Supported Living Oxfordshire Uk

supported Living in Oxfordshire uk

Supported Living

Caring for adults with a disability can become an overwhelming task to the caregiver. Supported living provides assistance to individuals who do not desire to reside in residential care or not being able to cope at home. At Imela Care Ltd, we understand the importance of independence and choices.

Our trained support workers provide the highest level of support to our clients both in the community and in their own supported accommodation. Our care plans are designed to focus on the client's needs. Our trained staff are experienced in working with individuals with different disabilities.

Our care and support service provides peace of mind to both families and clients. The services include:
• Supporting individuals to gain both their independence and choice.
• Encourages our clients to build social skills through cooking and doing small duties such as shopping or planning the menus.
• Support clients to go to work and college.
• Supports with personal care.
• Supports money management.
• Supports with medication.

Through supported living, your loved ones are guaranteed positive inspiration to dream and aspire to live a life that reflects their abilities. We are here to encourage and support both the young and elderly to look beyond their disabilities, by becoming their cheerleaders in life.

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